Flying Spur
Bentayga S V8 by MANSORY
Gross: €462,315.00
Net (Export): €388,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 294 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Bentayga EWB V8 by MANSORY
Gross: €487,305.00
Net (Export): €409,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 294 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Bentayga EWB V8 by MANSORY
Gross: €475,405.00
Net (Export): €399,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 294 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Bentayga Azure V8
Gross: €281,078.00
Net (Export): €236,200.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 13 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 294 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Bentayga Hybrid
Gross: €255,255.00
Net (Export): €214,500.00
Drive: Plugin Hybrid (Petrol/Electricity)
Electricity Consumption (weighted, combined): 21 kWh/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (weighted, combined): 3.4 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (weighted, combined): 77 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (weighted, combined): B¹

CO₂ Emissions with a Discharged Battery: 82 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions with a Discharged Battery: B¹

Continental GT Speed W12
Gross: €368,305.00
Net (Export): €309,500.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 13.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 13.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 311 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Flying Spur V8 S MY2024
Gross: €318,920.00
Net (Export): €268,000.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 12.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 12.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 288 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Continental GTC Azure V8
Gross: €327,012.00
Net (Export): €274,800.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 12.5 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 12.5 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 284 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹

Continental GT Speed W12
Gross: €374,731.00
Net (Export): €314,900.00
Drive: Combustion Engine (Petrol)
Energy Consumption (combined): 13.7 l/100 km¹
Fuel Consumption (combined): 13.7 l/100 km¹
CO₂ Emissions (combined): 311 g/km¹
CO₂ Class based on
CO₂ Emissions (combined): G¹